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Korean Ginseng
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Ginseng, known in many Asian countries as the king of all herbs, is a knobby root light tan in color. Occasionally the center part of the root is said to resemble the human body as string like shoots stem off from the root and can be seen as arms and legs.

Due to Korean ginseng's unique appearance, herb doctors who lived centuries ago interpreted this perception to mean that ginseng was a cure-all for the entirety of human illness; subsequently many cultures do use ginseng to treat almost anything. Ginseng is also used by the Chinese culture to not only cure nearly everything, but also as a symbol of longevity, strength, and wisdom to its users.

The ginseng plant is identified by its leaves that form a circular pattern growing around its straight stem. Yellowish-green flowers bloom in the center of the plant and produce red berries from their umbrella-like blossoms. It is important to note that the age of the plant can be identified by counting the number of wrinkles around the plant’s neck, seeing as the ginseng root is only ready for use once it has completed approximately 4-6 years of maturity. Panax ginseng, commonly known as adaptogen, is a substance that offers some assistance in helping individuals who are dealing with physical and/or emotional stress. Ginseng, the traditional cure-all, has been said to relieve almost every ailment from anxiety to cancer and panax, according to traditional Chinese medicine. At present, several Asian countries are prescribing this particular type of Ginseng as treatment for several illnesses, including heart conditions and to enhance overall health.

Studies of Western herbal medicine show that panax ginseng’s ability to regulate the immune system has potential advantages in effectively preventing colds, flu, and some forms of cancer. Case studies show that panax ginseng proves effective in lowering the sugar content in the blood and cholesterol levels. Consequently, panax ginseng may prove beneficial when used in connection with type 2 diabetes and those suffering from high cholesterol. All potential uses of the ginseng root have not been fully defined; however, in both laboratory studies of humans and animals, panax ginseng proved successful in relaxing the muscles of the lungs. By relaxing the muscles of the lungs that control the airway, ginseng may be able to provide some relief for the symptoms associated with asthma, constriction of the airways, and other lung diseases. Further studies show that a combination of panax ginseng and gingko may increase memory capacity and enhance the thinking processes. However these are merely possible effects that are undergoing more research at present.

Panax ginseng can be given orally or topically. Direct application to the male genitalia may prove beneficial in treating erectile dysfunction in men. One large study involving the oral application of panax ginseng resulted in the increase of sperm count, quality, and movement, ultimately improving male fertility. An exact and thorough explanation for panax ginseng’s ability to improve fertility in males has yet to be determined. However, it is hypothesized that the chemical make up of panax ginseng helps activate certain hormones in the body leading to induced or increased production. This theory has led to the addition of panax ginseng in popular sports drinks or supplements in an attempt to increase athletic performance, despite the fact that no substantial evidence has been given to supports this use.

Ginseng supplements are mostly made from the ginseng root’s long, thin offshoots called root hairs. The main chemical ingredients in Asian ginseng are the ginsenosides (Rg1 as marker); glycans (panaxans); polysaccharide fraction DPG-3-2; peptides; maltol; and volatile oil.

Korean Ginseng Dosage Recommendations

The suggested dose for Korean ginseng is 1,000 to 2,000 mg of fresh root, 600 to 2,000 mg of dried root, or 200 to 600 mg of liquid extract daily. If you are healthy and are using ginseng to increase your physical or mental performance, to prevent illness, or to improve resistance to stress, you should take ginseng at the recommended dosage in cycles. For example, take 1,000 to 2,000 mg fresh root, 600 to 2,000 mg dried root, or 200 to 600 mg liquid extract daily for 15 to 20 days, followed by two weeks without taking ginseng.

For help recovering from an illness, the elderly should either take 500 mg twice a day for three months and then stop or take 500 mg twice a day for a month, followed by a two-month break. Repeat if desired.

When taking ginseng, use only standardized products. Standardization is the only way we have of assuring quality in herbal products. Choose white or red ginseng, standardized to 1.5 percent ginsenosides, designated as Rg1.

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